Sunday, May 16, 2010

I accidentally sprayed some of mini roses and gerbera with iron chelate powder? what should i do?

i did it about a week ago. the roses seem less affected than the gerberas. A few of them have gotten a few black spots but they seem fine despite that? the gerbera however has gotten dark discolourrations and looks really bad. the leaves have dry spots on them. i removed some of the leaves that looked beyond repair but i left the others. Should i just leave the plants for a while and let time play its course??? i think ive gone a bit overboard in my search for perfect roses and gerberas. even though i followed the instructions on the container i seem to have really botched up my plants. I also gave it to one of my plumbagos and it has shriveled up

I accidentally sprayed some of mini roses and gerbera with iron chelate powder? what should i do?
this might result into mutations in the plant....may show polyploidy...may be responsible for deletions,insertions,transversions,etc. in the plants genome.....may be possible that u get some new type of further plant progenies due to mutations
Reply:Cut EVERTHING down immediately. Otherwise, you risk harming all the adjoining plants.

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