Saturday, November 14, 2009

I accidentally sprayed some of mini roses and gerbera with iron chelate powder? what should i do?

i did it about a week ago. the roses seem less affected than the gerberas. A few of them have gotten a few black spots but they seem fine despite that? the gerbera however has gotten dark discolourrations and looks really bad. the leaves have dry spots on them. i removed some of the leaves that looked beyond repair but i left the others. Should i just leave the plants for a while and let time play its course??? i think ive gone a bit overboard in my search for perfect roses and gerberas. even though i followed the instructions on the container i seem to have really botched up my plants. I also gave it to one of my plumbagos and it has shriveled up

I accidentally sprayed some of mini roses and gerbera with iron chelate powder? what should i do?
Iron causes black spots if it is concentrated like it is in chelated iron. If you haven't sprayed the leaves with water yet do that. And then just let the plants recover--unless you really overdosed them, iron is not fatal.

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