Saturday, November 14, 2009

Caring for a gerbera daisy?

I was just given a potted gerbera daisy and I want to keep it alive as long as I possibly can (I don't usually keep flowers very long). It sits inside under artificial light because my office has no windows. I water my plants twice a week, but I don't want to do the same with this one because I'm afraid of overwatering it. Would once a week be ok? And will it still thrive under the artificial light?

Caring for a gerbera daisy?
The Gerbera is an annual, so it has a growing seaon then dies back, but don't throw it out! It will return year after year. After it's finished blooming (it can bloom for quite a while in ideal conditions; you can plant it in your yard and it will come back.

Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater. Requires consistently moist soil; do not let dry out between waterings
Reply:Gerbs are extremely sensitive to bacteria, which causes their stems to bend. Watering once a week should be just fine. Though if you find the soil to be a little dry, another watering won't hurt it. Remember to always use fresh, clean water. The artificial light from your office is perfect, since gerbs are sensitive and don't do well in direct sunlight or heat. Also, try to keep your flowers away from any drafts, as they are sensitive to these as well.

Try to keep your gerbera daisy plant free and clean of dust!

If you would like to prolong your gerbs life even more, you could always purchase a flower preservative (ex. aquaplus). Preservatives provide flowers with nutrients and helps prevent against bacteria.

Also, if you ever choose to cut and vase your gerbs -- make sure to thoroughly clean the vase and keep the water clean and fresh. If your daisies start to bend, clean the vase, change the water, and re-cut the stems.
Reply:gerberas are so touchy. water it when the soil seems dry. once a week should be ok since it's inside. if you have a window in your office, put it as close as you can to it. a shot of miracle grow once in a while would be good.

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